Collection: Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization (also known as the Harappan Civilization) existed at least 8,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest known civilizations in the world – along with the Egyptian (7000BC to 3000BC) and Mesopotamian (6500BC to 3100BC) civilizations. (see The Times of India (29 May 2016),

Large cities and smaller towns, sharing a common culture dominated a thousand-mile region in what is now Pakistan and northwest India, were established around 2600 BC. The Indus sites were laid out on a grid pattern, they developed their own (still undeciphered) script, and had an artistry and technology that produced sculpture, figurines, painted pottery and seals. Those cities lasted just over seven hundred years: from 1900 BC they began to decline, due to over-expansion, changes in river patterns and weaker monsoons (see the journal Nature on May 25 2016)

5 products
  • Indus Valley Mehrgarh terracotta figurine with gloves!
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  • Indus Valley Mehrgarh terracotta figurine
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  • Indus Valley painted bowl
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  • Indus Valley twin zebu's
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  • Indus valley bowl
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