An extremely rare lead ‘weight’ (?), disc shaped and with an open work decoration, showing two confronting lions in upward position roaring to each other. Their representation is quite realistic, with their long waving manes, wide open mouths, big circular eyes. The ends of their tails, as well as their upper claws have triangular spines. The shape of their bodies is very well adapted to the technical construction of the disc: the four legs and the tail are directly connected to the body of the disc, and their necks are connected to the horizontal support by a small ‘bridge’ . The horizontal support and the compartmented section above it seem to have functioned as a grip to be able to carry the disc in one hand. This could point to a more plausible function then a ‘weight’: probably an object of rank or status (maybe a development from the more frequently known BMAC ‘stone bags’ or ‘pièrres ansées’?).
The object was clearly poured into a mold; the surface is flat on one side, and slightly hollowed out on the other side. The eyes have been stamped out with a circular tool after the pouring process, and this on both sides.
Condition is excellent, no restorations, some earth and calcium deposits.
There is one recent scratch in the lead on the upper surface of the right lion, and the upper leg of the same lion shows a light blue corrosion at the height of it’s mouth (maybe due to arsenic deposits in the lead?).
Marvelous piece, not only scientifically but also esthetically!
Diameter 30 to 31 cm; thickness 1,8 cm. Weight: 7 kg. BMAC period, ca 2400-2200 BC.
Provenance: Private German Collection.